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How is America doing compared to the rest of the world?

”American dream”, they say… Have you realized that dozens of movies and TV series always glorify life in America? But what does it really look like? If you think that ”Home Alone” movies are how Americans live, continue reading this article because we are bringing real facts.

This is how America is doing compared to the rest of the world:


23rd place in education. What do you imagine when you think about education in America? College girls and baseball clubs, right? Well, it’s a bit different. Actually, America is on the shameful 23rd in education, compared to the rest of the world.

37th place in healthcare. This is even more horrifying. Did you know that the average citizen of America cannot afford healthcare? It costs so much and besides that, it’s not even good.

asdfwfe34th place in raising a family index. People barely think about raising a family anymore. A lot of them live alone, from today to tomorrow. It’s a sad story…

No high-speed train. Can you believe that such a huge and powerful country as America doesn’t have a high-speed train? Well, Japan, you definitely won!

Highest number of homeless people. If you have ever been to America, and not only watched some fake movie scenes, then you have probably realized that there are a lot of homeless people living on the streets. Too many young people, and especially men, live on the street in groups. Some of them are also called gangs, but that’s not what you think. They fight for life, from today to tomorrow. Dozens of them become burglars, and homeless women usually end up in a prostitution mafia.

Highest number of incarcerated people. This fact can be connected to the previous one. A lot of people in America are imprisoned. The Mafia is all around. Taking a calm walk on the street is usually not possible. You constantly have to be prepared for something bad to happen.

78% of people live paycheck to paycheck. Debts, credits, mortgages… Did I mention healthcare costs? Oh yes, we already have it in the second fact. It is very sad to say, but it’s true, 78% of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. They don’t even create future plans! And when they do, they don’t know how they will pay it, so the bank becomes their best friend. And it’s like, until the end of their lives.

COVID-19. We have all expected that huge and powerful countries will be able to fight this pandemic better. Yet, that didn’t happen. Instead, African countries did the best! Can you believe it? So far, there have been 13.6 million people infected, and 268 000 have died.

adsweqdRelationships. Too many people are single. You can connect this fact to the 4th to get the whole picture. Besides that, the country by itself doesn’t have good relationships with countries all around the globe.

Mental health issues. When they tell you that everything is possible in America, don’t listen to that lie. Actually, they are literally letting people with mental health issues represent their country on TV and worldwide. They are like – ”everything is normal” and ”everything should be acceptable.”

Food and obesity. Everyone knows that people in America are obese, and besides that, many of them suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular health issues. Fast food is all around you…


These were the true facts about America. If you love it for some reason (and I bet you at least have one), feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Have you ever been to America?

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