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Locations in America with Unique Home Architecture

Locations in America with Unique Home Architecture

Whether your primary goal is to find a beautiful living space or to make a sound investment in real estate, looking at areas in the US that have distinctive homes is a wise move. A home that has a specific regional appearance will often remain in higher demand because of its exclusivity, place in history, and aesthetic. To help you get started in your search, here are a few locations in America with unique home architecture.

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Picturesque adobe structures once dominated Santa Fe. Native Americans in the area started the practice of making homes from sun-dried bricks. Later, Spanish settlers adopted this style and added their own elements of architecture. Because adobe is made from the surrounding earth, these houses meld with the landscape nicely while complementing it. Their reddish or brown colors and rustic, blocky exteriors are truly sights to behold. In fact, the architecture has attracted tourists and artists for many years.

Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts

Martha’s Vineyard is an island off the coast of Massachusetts where Native Americans and early British colonists lived together. Due to this long history, you can find different types of homes for sale there that reflect various time periods in American history. Some houses show simple Colonial influences, while others stand as examples of the Greek Revival in American architecture. Perhaps most notable are the ornate, fairy tale-like Victorian homes that people aptly refer to as gingerbread houses. With the oceanside setting, it’s easy to see why the towns on Martha’s Vineyard are highly sought after places to buy residential properties.

New Castle, Delaware

New Castle is another location in America with unique home architecture. Originally a Dutch fort in the mid-1600s, it began with a layout that centered on a public square. Today, the town remains standing as a living view into another time. In contrast to many other Colonial areas in the US, the Historic District of New Castle is a place with residential buildings where people still live. You’ll see homes built in a wide range of styles, from highly symmetrical Georgian and Federal buildings to hipped-roof Italianate.

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