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Hundreds of Birds Wash up on Iconic Beaches and We are just Watching!

Hundreds of dead birds are washing up on Sydney’s iconic beaches. The short-tailed shearwaters have been spotted at several shorelines, including Bondi, Manly, and Cronulla.

One man said he saw “hundreds” over the weekend.

The birds are migrating back to southern Australia to breed after spending the summer in Alaska. According to experts, a higher number than usual are dying on the way due to a lack of food. Each year nearly 30,000 birds land at Griffiths Island at Port Fairy in Victoria. But, this time, only half that number have made it.

According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, they died of hunger.

asdsdThe death shearwater is a serious issue.

The Short-tailed Shearwater is Australia’s most numerous seabird. During their breeding season, millions converge on many small islands from NSW to Western Australia. After their chicks are large enough to fend for themselves, the adults leave the breeding islands and migrate north-east. They spend the southern winter at sea in the northern Pacific, Japan, Siberia, and Alaska.

BirdLife Australia has declared the problem a crisis. In a statement on its website, the group states: ‘For the fifth consecutive year, the sea surface temperatures off Alaska have been unusually hot, which has led to a terrible lack of the shearwaters’ marine prey, ending in thousands of dead shearwaters being washed ashore along Alaska’s beaches.

e birds that have finally landed are weak and not in a condition to breed. It could have a cascading effect. An expert believes climate change is responsible for the situation. The temperature rise in Alaska has decimated the food supply of the birds. In Australia, the number of birds in breeding colonies are far below expectations.

Isn’t it too late for bird lovers?

As per the AU News, the dead shearwaters on the iconic beaches of Sydney rang alarm bells among bird lovers. Bondi beach was one of the beaches, and the dead birds came as a shock to many. These birds return from Alaska to breed, and the journey is a long one. Some of them die due to exhaustion, but the loss this year is unprecedented and a matter of concern.

Seabird watchers in Victoria who await the arrival of shearwaters annually raised the alarm in September when thousands of birds failed to arrive despite their usually meticulous travel itinerary.

It feels like the beginning of the end for Australian. The beginning of sorrows, the chastisement, and the tribulation. Every time you go outside, you see three planes or more spraying that poison toxic everywhere. It’s like their working overtime and spraying more as if they have a deadline to beat. They have been spraying toxic poisons for years, and now every living thing is dying, and still, they keep spraying. They have been spraying our sky and slowly killing us. 5G networking is wiping out all the birds.

asdfaaThe situation is terrible in Alaska too.

The annual arrival of short-tailed shearwaters in Victoria is usually around 30,000, but this year there is hardly half that number. As revealed on the website of BirdLife, the situation is deteriorating. Alaska is facing a rise in sea temperatures for the fifth consecutive year.

Most people believe there is no climate change. They cannot control the weather. According to them, only God can. Well, God controls the weather for three reasons. He causes it to come instead for his land, for mercy, or punishment. The weather that we are witnessing around the world is clearly punishment. God’s wrath is still yet to come. This is nothing compared to what’s to come.

You people need to get right with God. This is all in revelations. All these events happening is just setting up for the antichrist.

Hosea 4:1-3 – Hear the word of the Lord, you children of Israelites: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood touched blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.

What are we still waiting for? End of the world? Wake up, people!

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