Head out for a workout alone or stay at home and watch Netflix with your partner? Making time for exercise might seem silly when all you want is a bit of boding time.
Fitness is key to a healthy relationship and making your fitness a priority in your life will benefit your relationship. Let’s understand the importance of fitness for a loving relationship. Read on 11 reasons explaining why fitness is important in dating and relationship.
Reduce stress: Did you know that eating healthy and staying physically active are two of the best ways to minimize your stress levels? Whether its work stress or other stress, exercising and healthy foods can be of extreme benefit. High-Energy activities such as dancing, roller skating, and jogging, are well known for reducing stress because they increase your heart rate.
Increase attractiveness: According to research, couples who take part in physical activities together state they feel more in love and have higher levels of relationship satisfaction. Also, physical activities lead to an increase in their attractiveness for each other.
Increase trust level: When two people set a goal like running for 30 mins or losing 10 pounds, and archive it, this enhances the trust they have for each other. When you see your partner commits to achieving a fitness goal with you and sticks with it, this shows loyalty and increases trust level.

Helps match priorities: A person’s preference will only match will another person’s if they are similar. For example, you want to be outside and active on the weekends and during your time away from work. If you date someone who wants to lounge around all the time, this could add a lot of stress. By dating someone who focuses on fitness, this helps to ensure your priorities are aligned.
Keeps it alive: When a couple keeps their focus on being active and eating healthy, this allows them to discover new activities to take part in together. It helps to keep the relationship alive and helps steer it away from becoming boring.
Your confidence gets a boost: Taking care of your body by doing exercises will not only help you get and stay lean but improve your posture, and your confidence. Improved body confidence naturally leads to more confidence in the other areas of life.
Better bedroom performance: If we see according to the romantic side, a fit and healthy body has benefits when it comes to intimacy. There are plenty of internal and functional changes happen to your body once you’re in a regular exercise routine. The combined effect of fitness will help you to improve your bedroom performance.
You’ll be in a better mood: Have you ever experienced that when you’re around happy people, you start smiling more too? We, humans, pick up on each other’s moods, both positive and negative. Exercise releases some pretty awesome endorphins, which makes you happy and reduce your stress. When you are more relaxed and feel-good vibes, everyone around you benefits and will subconsciously want to spend more time around you.
You’ll be more thoughtful: Exercise can improve your memory. Exercise boosts the brain level of dopamine which helps to control brain’s reward and pleasure center. That means not only will you remember that all-important date, but you’re more likely to feel warm furies when you acknowledge it with a sweet card. No more forgetting birthdays or anniversary.
You’ll boost your bond: You must have heard this, “The couple that plays together, stays together.” Whether you’re honking a mountain, playing football, or hitting the weights in the gym, you’re preparing yourself physiologically and emotionally for all of the changes to come. Relationships aren’t all hugs and high fives. There are tough times, and if you have a history of making it through as a couple, you’re more likely to be able to make through the rough challenges later in life.

You’ll make better decisions: Your brain needs oxygen to be at the top of its game, and exercise helps make that happen. According to a recent study, women who sweat have more oxygen flowing through the anterior region of the brain, which is responsible for making decisions like whether you both are ready to build a family or not.
So instead of thinking about how positive relationships will be good for your health, think more about how taking care of yourself with regular exercise will be a significant benefit for your relationship.
When you don’t take good care of yourself, your relationship suffers. So, start exercising today!
Have you found your perfect match yet? No? Just log in to http://beautifulpeopledate.com/ now but meanwhile keep exercising because fitness is not only for a relationship.