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No Human Being On Earth Is A Mistake!

Think that you are in this world with no reason? With so much evil and hate all around us, everything I want to do is God’s will and help and love for his people. No one is here without a reason. The most beautiful thing we can do is to start our day by talking to God and simply say: “Thank you, God, thank you for this life.”

You are not a mistake, neither a coincidence.

The frustration of all humans is not knowing WHY they were born. We were sent here specifically to do something valuable. This means that God had something that needs to be done, which made us all necessary.

The real problem is that most of us don’t know our purpose on Earth. The average human being doesn’t know why they were born. Unfortunately, we all know how that looks like. People wake up every morning and go to a job they hate, working with people they don’t like, and not even getting paid what they are worth. Many are dying young from frustration, anxiety, and suicide because they don’t know why they exist. The greatest tragedy in life is not death – the greatest tragedy in life is living it without a purpose.

Imagine to be alive for 75 years and still not realizing why you were living. Without purpose, life has no meaning, and there’s no sense of dying as well.

xbdgbWhat is your purpose? YOU are the purpose. GOD is your purpose. Don’t see him? God is everywhere in this world! The truth is that  most people don’t take the time to look around and feel it. They don’t stop for a moment to experience life.

So much hate and evil on Earth right now, that’s for sure, but if you look for the good and beauty in all things you will see God and his purity. There are more good and beautiful things than the bad ones, but you just have to look for it – look at the right side! Search every day and you’ll find the beauty everywhere…

Countless people are searching for their purposes. “You can’t tell you what your purpose is, because you didn’t make you.” You were planned and made by God, and you are not an accident. He has a purpose for everything and everyone, and he created you to make a unique contribution to the world.

Always keep in mind that finding your purpose begins with God. You are exactly what he needs. God designed everything with purpose, including each of us. God has a good plan for our lives. He created us with purpose before we were even born. We’re unique and original, with distinct abilities for carrying out His plans and purposes in the world around us.

The key to success is understanding our purpose – once that happens, we’ll begin to step into and fulfill our destiny.

GOD will not ever make a mistake. I believe each step is a plan, and so should you. You are unique God’s plan…

Something not happening but you’ve planned it? It’s simply because you’re not at the stage of your life where you’re in the right place to see it. Just think of all those people who were chosen to promote Heavens…

God’s plans are always better than our dreams, keep that in mind. His plan begins with the end- God saw you in your mother’s womb. And please, don’t worry. Believe. Have strength. Rely on God’s plan.

You must also know one thing – The God who created this world can do ANYTHING he chose to do. We all know that many children are living the dream of the parents rather than God’s purpose. When you just think about it, everything will become clear to you. That is exactly why they are frustrated. That’s why they do things they were not born to do.

God established your destiny first and then he gave you birth.

The secret about you? It cannot be discern by human intelligence or an IQ test…

We are ALL a unique creation to God. There is no one like you on planet. He has a specific thing for you to do.

fgedHe is never blind to your tears and never deaf to your prayers. God sees and hears your pain. Just trust Him…

And always say: ”Thank You, God, for another blessed day…”

Thank you for grace and mercy, unconditional LOVE, and for forgiving me my sins…

Isaiah 46:9-10 ”Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me…”

10 ”Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure…”

Ephesians 2:10 10 – ”For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew Yeshua, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”


Can you feel God everywhere?

Are you grateful for every moment on Earth?

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