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Eight Dressing Mistakes To Avoid When Doing A Job Interview

No one thinks that doing a job interview is easy, and it is very common that people feel a bit nervous about it. Of course, you will always want to represent yourself in the best manner, but are your clothes stopping you from achieving that?
Here’s the list of the most common dressing mistakes that make people lose their dream job opportunity.

1. Your appearance is not suitable for that company. Be sure to check out the company’s social media page to get a sense of how employees dress. If you can’t get any of this information, it is better for you to be dressed up than way underdressed. A suit is most ideal for any corporate environment – always keep that in mind. You can ask your recruiter for recommendations on what clothes to wear for the interview too.

awefwf2. You’re showing too much skin. This is not even a good idea for the date night, not to mention that no one will be pleasantly surprised if you come to the job interview like that. Of course, there’s no need to cover yourself from head to toe, but ensure that your outfit isn’t too revealing. It’s all about what you’re comfortable with. If you’re still not sure if your outfit is appropriate, ask a friend to give their honest opinion. A cover sleeveless shift dress with a coordinating blazer or cardigan would be an amazing choice!

3. Don’t wear an outfit you bought like 8 years ago. Washed out clothes shouldn’t be worn for the job interview – like never. If your dressing seems too tight, too long, or bunchy or bulging, or you name it – skip that outfit. You can buy new clothes or borrow something suitable from a friend. And keep in mind that you will probably be more confident in new clothes, which will definitely add more points to the successful interview. Also, ensure that your outfit lines up with the trends.

4. Your outfit is too colorful. The yellow shirt and red pants? That may be a good combination if you are some street artist, but for many other jobs, the best would be to choose something neutral. For example, you can choose two combinations of colors, but be sure that one is completely neutral. Black pants and a neutral pastel blazer in any color you like will be a good choice.

5. Your feet. Don’t reveal your feet for any job interview. Of course, it’s also always better to choose shoes over sneakers. And ladies, don’t wear some very high heels because you won’t look professional.

6. Makeup. Too much make is not a good idea, but not putting any isn’t a solution as well. Go with some transparent foundation, a bit of mascara, and neutral lipstick. Always keep in mind that you want to look fresh, healthy, and finally – professional.

asd7. Hair. First things first – your hair has to be clean. Don’t exaggerate with some hair wax or spray. Be sure that your hairstyle is tidy and simple – just like with the makeup.

8. Too many accessories. When it comes to accessories, the less is always more. Pick one thing for the outfit. It can be, for example, a watch.

As you can see, it’s not that hard. The main point is to look a bit neutral but to represent yourself in a professional manner. Let your skills highlight your personality!

How do you usually wear for job interviews?
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