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Is the Mandate vaccination solving problems or causing new ones?

If the majority of the people think one way – Is it ok to force EVERYBODY to think the same way? I am sick and tired of hearing about democracy when we actually never lived freely. These are the worst times in our society and they are definitely all about control!

Something bigger is about to happen, and it cannot be even hidden anymore. ”If we don’t stop it together, this country and the rest of the WORLD just won’t survive”! We have a serious problem with psychopaths in charge across the world! Ask yourself this question: “Is this the world you want your children to grow up in? Will you allow evil people to ruin everything beautiful on this planet? Won’t you be sorry?”

How legal is all of this, in the first place? Oh yeah, it’s not at all. The courts already turned this down. Why does this mayor think he overrides the courts? One person trying to tell millions how to live. The world has gone insane! This entire situation has highlighted that politicians should not be allowed to continue to make poor decisions for millions of people.

The issue is, many people are aware, know and understand that this vaccine is not about combatting any virus. Free burgers to promote vaccinations? That really makes me angry. Mandating vaccinations all around the globe – here we are! Do you see how quickly we came to this? If they achieve this, they will know that they can do anything they want with people – from now on, and until the end!

I wonder what happened? This is an experimental drug. They have not released the data on this vaccine.

Delta variant… We thought that was the maximum stupidity we would see. And now – Omicron! Do you mean the variant that the doctor from South Africa said we shouldn’t worry about and has resulted in zero hospitalizations should be the main purpose to get the vaccine? That one virus everyone says is like the flu?

The third booster shot? Now optional. Later? Mandatory. In some countries, they even recommend a 4th shot. I’ve heard “scientists” worldwide claiming that boosters will become “our new reality” in the next few years.

Stricker COVID lockdown is coming! This virus is part of their agenda, so they can force us to take shots. They had this plan long ago. It’s all a pLandemic. It’s just an excuse they’re using Covid-19 for what they really want to get.

Stricter lockdowns will never end until total lockdowns are worldwide. Giving up all property and assets, agreeing to vaccines, in exchange for the ability to buy, sell, travel, and overall – live somehow in this society. Your life or your eternity. That’s what stricter lockdowns mean. They start on Monday in NM. Yet, people send their kids to school and allow the child abuse of mask-wearing and social distance. Now, the schools are allowed to let 11-year-olds and older consent to get the vaccines without parents’ knowledge or approval and they don’t even have to tell them their child has been given a vaccine. How silly and evil is that?

Are you sick and tired of this so-called pandemic?

What do you think will happen next?

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