The best thing about growing older is that you have more life experience, which can be a great opportunity to make your life better and to grow as a person every day. In this article, we will go through an interesting list that represents 12 things numerous people all around the globe wished they knew when they were 30.
1. Tomorrow. Stop saying you will make a change tomorrow. Today is your tomorrow. Break that legend about tomorrow that you will start making some changes in the future.
2. Self-awareness. As you age, you gain life experience. And with life experience, come lessons, if you pay attention. Pay attention to the lessons, don’t try to escape them. Learn from mistakes and become a better person.

3. Choices. The choices you make in your 20’s/30s will greatly affect your life in your 40s. And when you’re in your 40’s looking back, you will see stupid choices. Choose wisely. Choose who your friends are. Think about meeting a good partner for yourself. Be aware of what you eat and drink.
4. Alcohol. This one can be connected to the previous fact as well. Alcohol will not make you more beautiful, more confident, more likable, or more accepted. But it will result in bad judgment and choices. Not to mention your liver and skin.
5. Fast food. The processed food you are putting in your body will catch up to you. Nourish your soul, life is longer than you think.
6. Health. Make time for exercise. I know you feel like you are indestructible, but you aren’t. Time has a way of catching up to you. And if you don’t use your time wisely, you’ll see what’s about to happen once you turn 40.
7. Relationships. If you weren’t married by 30, then you’ve probably experienced some brutal deadbeat that’s taken advantage of your kindness(unless you’re that asshole). Learn from that asshole, accept the lesson and grow. Stop ruminating.
8. Friends. Come and go, pay attention. Know the difference between friends and acquaintances.
9. Parents. Be kind to your parents because you’ll start to understand them more and more as you age. If you are rude to them, once you turn 40 – you’ll feel sad and embarrassed about your past actions.
10. Money. Start saving money as soon as you can. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but do it on a daily or at least monthly basis. With years, you’ll realize that you have succeeded in saving a lot without much effort.

11. School and education. Never stop learning and educating yourself because that’s the biggest treasure you can have in this life. Education and knowledge is the only thing no one can take away from you. With time, you’ll get better job opportunities in life and you’ve started thinking about why you haven’t educated yourself in a proper manner when it was time.
12. Doctor appointments. Don’t skip yearly doctor appointments and take good care of your health – it will be late 10 or 20 years after.
As you can see, these are some ordinary rules everyone should live by. Simple, yet very effective when it comes to raising your life quality.
Which of these facts do you like the most?
How much have you changed in 10 or 20 years?