Let’s see how to identify fake friends in life. When we are younger, we tend to do everything with a purpose to fit a group of people. But, with time and as you age, you’ll start wondering who your true friends are.
When life becomes tough, fake friends usually disappear by themselves. If you’re still wondering how to identify fake friends in life, continue reading this article.
Many people will tell you this: “I used to have tons of fake friends, but now I have a handful of true friends who treat me with love and respect. Finally, I feel extremely blessed. This is what friendship is all about.”
The first thing everyone must do when it comes to friends is to focus on the quality of friendships, not quantity. As we age, we get more responsibilities and you won’t have that much time to spend on other people. Therefore, you’ll have to choose wisely.
When something bad happens to a close friend or family who passes away suddenly you will learn a hard lesson about who your real friends were and who your fake friends were.
You will learn that your real friends would take your phone calls no matter what time of the day and night (within reason of course). If they weren’t available, they would get back to me as soon as they reasonably could. Friendship is a two-way street – a fake friend won’t put in the same effort you do, but if they do, you have a true treasure.
Your fake friends paid lip service and initially seemed concerned about it. Sadly, people you thought you could count on in a crisis, didn’t all show up.
Think about how they act when you don’t have money. Are they hanging out with you only when you can give something to them? Fake friends are those who are searching for benefits, and those don’t have to be related to money only.
Some people will be so toxic that they will drag all their energy and happiness and actually enjoy it. At first, it didn’t look like that to you, but with time you’ll understand.
Fake friends won’t like to see you happy. Yes, they will want to see you successful, but never better than them. If you become better than them, you’ll have a bad time.
True friendship also requires acceptance, from both sides. You don’t have to think, feel, and like the same things, yet you definitely have to respect each other.
It doesn’t matter what religion they’re in, what they love to eat if they are vegetarian, or something else – you accept them for who they are, and they accept you.
Friendship also means having someone you can tell your biggest worries, without being instantly advised or even made fun of. A true friend is like a warm hug – they will support you on this path called life, and you’ll do the same for them.
All this will be done only through respect and pure love. Forget about friendships where you have to calculate how much you should give to someone, or whose turn is to pay for a drink. In true friendship, this all comes naturally – it’s like a dance.
What do you think about true friendship?
What are the biggest signs that reveal a fake friend?