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Miami’s Most Expensive Street: The Stature of Brickell Avenue 

Brickell Avenue has once again claimed the title as Miami's most expensive commercial street, as indicated by a recent study. Despite ranking ninth among the country's top 15 most expensive streets, its significance resonates within Miami's real estate landscape. Why is this noteworthy? While many major cities grapple with the aftermath of the pandemic, witnessing…

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Understanding Homeowners Insurance Coverage for Sinkholes in Florida

Florida, often associated with sunny weather and iconic attractions, also faces risks like extreme weather and sinkholes. Sinkholes, a known peril in the state, can cause substantial damage to homes, raising questions about insurance coverage. Let's delve into the impact of sinkholes on homeowners insurance in Florida and explore ways to potentially lower premiums. What…

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Haiti – Crossroads: A Nation’s Resources and the Question of Intervention

Haiti, a nation long steeped in history and resilience, finds itself at a crossroads. Questions surrounding the motives of international involvement and the country's untapped potential fuel ongoing debate. A History of External Influence: Haiti's past is marked by foreign intervention. From the French colony of Saint-Domingue to the American occupation of 1915-1934, outside forces…

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Should You Consider a Partner’s Sexual History?  

The topic of a partner's sexual history, often referred to as "body count," can ignite passionate discussions and spark a range of opinions. Let's explore this topic with an open mind, examining different perspectives and highlighting the importance of communication and respect in healthy relationships. Moving Beyond the Numbers Game: First and foremost, it's vital to dismantle…

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