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How to look sexy during summer vacation?

Are you finally planning that summer vacation you’ve been waiting for for so long? This year, look special and extremely attractive with a little bit of our advice!

With just a few simple fashion and beauty tricks, you’re capable of shining like a gorgeous lady and expressing your best style and looks!

So, let’s start from the very beginning!


Hairstyle. We all know that our hair gets a bit dry during the summer season, so why would you use a hairdryer which makes it even more damaged? This summer, we celebrate curls and natural hair drying! Once your hair gets wet, don’t style it or use a hairdryer, but instead – let it be on its own! You will look casual and sexy this way.

Hats are just gorgeous! Going to the beach to create the best memories of your life and still not sure how to look stylish in biking? The answer is simple – get a hat! Hats always add glamour to our looks and you’ll be sophisticated at any moment. Just imagine yourself drinking that refreshing cocktail at the beach bar, with a hat and curly hair. Sounds great to us!


Sunglasses. When it comes to looking stylish and sexy during summer vacation, good looks are easily achievable with the proper choice of accessories. Find sunglasses you like and express your femininity in a blink of an eye!

Proper choice of makeup. Of course, you don’t have to wear makeup on your summer vacation, but for those ladies who still want it – keep in mind that less is always more. Find a proper BB cream that will not only provide glowing looks but will also protect your skin from sun damage. Besides that, you can also dye your lashes before the summer vacation starts. It provides a natural look, yet it definitely makes your eyes pop out.


Treat your skin as it deserves. We often forget that skin is our biggest organ and that we should take proper care of it. For the summer season, you should definitely get a strong moisturizer. I highly advise you to try with shea butter. Coconut and olive oil are also great, but not when you’re planning to be exposed to the sunshine. Yes, your skin can get darker easier this way, but that is not good – you’ll damage it too much.

Flip flops or sandals? You know how it’s said:”Life is always better in flip flops!” Choose any footgear you like, or don’t choose any, and proudly show your feet! When it comes to footwear and summer vacations, you’re completely free to choose something you’ll feel comfortable wearing. Once you are comfortable and relaxed – you’ll look sexy!


Jewelry. Of course, it’s not a must to wear jewelry on your relaxing summer vacation, but it’s a good idea to get something fun and colorful! Keep in mind that such jewelry doesn’t cost much, but it can definitely brighten up your entire outfit and mood! Find something that describes you and your personality.


As you can see, all these tips are fun and easy – just like a day at the beach!


Are you very excited about your upcoming summer vacation?

Do you have your own secrets about creating a sexy look during the summer season?

Categories: Beauty topslider
Dragana Drobnjak: