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9 reasons why your man can’t perform well in BED

Ever wondered about the signs that can reveal to you how much a man could be good in bed? Well, every woman has probably thought about that. If you have thought about how there aren’t any universal signs that can reveal you ‘what you can expect in the bedroom, continue reading and prove yourself wrong. These are 9 signs your man can’t perform well in bed:

The more organized the man, the better the sex. Being conscientious, the study found that “conscientious individuals reported better sexual function. Women whose partners were more conscientious also had better sexual function.”

Experts say men who sign their lowercase YS with long loops tend to have strong sex drives. Plus, they also tend to have more imagination in the carnal capers department. The same is for men who sign their YS with a flourish.

Men who take shorter strides are 42% more likely to struggle with impotence. Experts blame weak pelvic muscles for that problem. But research has turned up a slew of factoids that might hint at your mate’s sexual prowess. Some may seem a bit nutty.

BIKERS. We all know cycling keeps man fit but it could harm his bedroom performance. Researchers say that prolonged cycling could lead to erectile dysfunction because pressure from the seat decreases blood flow to the penis. Norweigan researchers found 1 in 5 men who participated in a 530 km bike tour suffered from penile numbness afterward, often lasting a week.

One Chinese university found gum disease ups the risk of impotence by 300%. Gum disease apparently leads to 2 lower testosterone and badly functioning blood flow. Not to mention bad breath…

Tight clothes. Men definitely shouldn’t wear tight clothes because that can affect the health of their prostate and penis. The same rule goes for underwear.

Depression. This mental health problem can definitely cause erectile dysfunction. Men who suffer from depression even have lowered sex appetites.

Alcoholism. Men who drink a lot can also suffer from erectile dysfunction. Although their sex appetites may be increased, don’t expect to have a great time.

Smokers. As for any other bad health habits, smoking can also affect sexual functions, and especially have many consequences on sperm quality. Men who smoke have spermatozoids who aren’t that fast and healthy, and besides that, you won’t enjoy long sex because smoking also shortenes the time of it.

Okay, now when we have seen 9 signs that your man may not be able to perform well in bed, let’s talk for a bit about good signs you should look out for. A man with a healthy lifestyle (of course), who practices sports in a moderate amount – but not cycling I guess, doesn’t drink, smoke, or take drugs can be your perfect choice.

Besides that, we cannot forget about those gentlemen who actually think about their female partners in bed. If your partner is doing everything in his power to fulfill your sexual needs, then you won’t have any problems.

And don’t worry, gentlemen, if you are struggling with erectile dysfunction of any sort, be sure to seek help because nothing is permanent. A lot can be actually done.

Which of these signs have surprised you?

Would you like to add one more to help me create a top 10 sign list?

Dragana Drobnjak:
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