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4 Critical Customer Service Tips for Your Salon

A crucial component of running a business in the service industry is outstanding customer service. Your customers ensure your doors stay open. By identifying critical customer service tips for your salon, you can implement the crucial adjustments to improve your business. As you begin, remember to act professional yet personable and be mindful of the current pandemic.

Keep It Sanitary

Keeping your salon clean is critical now more than ever; however, this goes beyond sweeping hair off the floor and maintaining your tools. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ll need to regularly and consistently wipe down high-contact areas to prevent the spread of germs in your facility. Furthermore, don’t sit clients directly next to each other—keep them six feet apart.

Wearing a mask as you cut and style your clients’ hair is necessary, and ensure they wear a mask throughout the process for everyone’s protection. Sanitize workstations and stylist chairs between clients, and consider doing the same with hair tools. While disinfecting the salon takes time, it shows clients that ensuring their well-being is a priority.

Be Personable

When you communicate with clients, keep it personable—be on a first-name basis with them. Do they have a family? When do they celebrate their birthday? While it may seem odd, knowing information like this helps you build rapport and allows you to add fun bonuses such as a birthday program.

Talk to your clients; nothing’s more awkward than dead silence as you sit in a chair for up to an hour. You don’t have to get into the nitty-gritty details of their life, but remaining open and talking about family or work creates a friendly relationship. Clients will feel excited to come into your shop because they’ll see a friend and get a necessary service!

Keep It Professional

Being professional is just as vital as being personable, and as a business owner, you must find the balance between the two. Begin by evaluating the appearance of your salon. Does it appear tidy when customers walk in? Having an organized, comfortable reception desk indicates that you want clients to feel at home while receiving your service.

Keep the waiting area and workstations clean and comfortable. Your receptionist is the first member of the salon the client meets, so make sure they’re friendly with customers. Rude or spiteful behavior is unprofessional, so don’t tolerate staff gossiping in your shop.

Actively Listen

Actively listen to your customers, especially when they have suggestions — they see the shop in a way you can’t. This critical customer service tip for your salon can reveal what changes you should consider implementing.

Listening to what others have to say allows you to truly see the business through the customer’s eyes and understand what strategies need to change. By showing your clients that you hear them, you show them respect and admiration.

Categories: Education
Kayla Kareena:
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