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Real relationship problems millennials face today!

There’s no doubt that millennials tend to date differently than other generations, and with this new world of dating apps, postponed marriages, and frequent hook-ups comes its own set of common conflicts. Although all generations have their issues, there are specific millennial dating problems that this generation experiences the most.


That’s not to say that millennials are worse off when it comes to relationships, but they have their own problems unique to their age group.


Check out following few problems that millennials deal with a relationship.


Different Goals: Millennials have many different options when it comes to their futures. They don’t have to settle down and get married right away, which means they may prioritize careers or travel more — and sometimes this can translate to not having the same vision for their future as their partner. Many millennials make plans without their partner in mind, whether it’s short-term plans or plans for the future. Of course, this isn’t the case for all millennial relationships, and talk with your partner about what your future goals are is key to parsing out these differences early. But the ever-expanding new choices millennials face may be to blame.

An inability to communicate about conflict: Because so many millennials rely on texting to have conversations, experts say they tend to have in-person communication problems. A common thread throughout many of these conflicts is that couples don’t know how to communicate their needs and desires to their partner. They are communicating a ton of information to each other through social media and texting, but many of the most important things are going unsaid.


Jealously over social media actions: Not surprisingly, little social media actions can have large consequences in millennial relationships. This has shown up in the form of upset feelings if a ‘like’ is supplied to a photo by someone unknown to the partner. While social media has given us another platform with which to conduct and evaluate our relationships, it is important not to read too much into your partner’s online actions.


Anxiety about their future: Perhaps something fueling relationship issues among millennials is the nearly ever-present anxiety many of them are feeling about their future. They lack the security of previous generations in areas such as housing, financial, and employment situations.


Phubbing: Phubbing” is when a person snubs their partner by being on their phone instead of interacting with a partner. Couples are focusing on other things and ignoring their partners when they are together. It clearly sends a message that the partner is not the most important thing in the moment — that we’d rather focus on something else. The solution? Create no-phone guidelines within your relationship. For example, if it’s date night, keep the phone in pockets or bags to make sure you both remain present in the moment.


Oversharing on social media: It’s nothing new for people to share too much information about their partners or relationship through social media platforms. Again, this sends the message of devaluing the partner or the relationship or of violating the trust between partners. In the past, this happened as well, but the difference now is that it is easier for the partner to find out what you’re saying and that the information is going to a much wider audience. While there is nothing wrong with being an active user on social media, there are certain aspects of your relationship that should remain private to you and your partner.

Cheating has been made easier: Cheating is not a new relationship problem, but the Internet has created newer ways to allow cheating — in all its forms. “This is made much easier by social media, especially with apps and websites. The increased methods of cheating don’t mean all millennial partners are destined to stray, but new resources have made it simpler.


Problem budgeting: With rising costs and overspending on things, millennials are having a harder time budgeting when it comes to living on their own or with their partner. They get in the habit of sharing expenses with roommates and are not well-versed in how to budget for themselves.


Although these problems do not exist for every millennial, experts say a digital age fraught with a tumultuous financial and political environment has had an impact on the way we interact with others. But this doesn’t mean we’re doomed to being phone zombies incapable of connection — by becoming aware of the issues millennials typically deal with in relationships, we can face them head-on and have successful partnerships like past generations.

What do you say, guys?


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Rachana Mesvaniya: