Pressure for women to spend considerable money, time & effort on attaining beauty

Women worldwide are under constant pressure to stay young as long as possible and to be prettier than ever. What’s the problem and how is society affecting this situation?
First of all, it seems like aging is not ”allowed” for women. When people talk about aging, wrinkles, fine lines, and all those ”horrible” things, you will always hear how older men look ”smart and sophisticated, and even charming”, while for the ladies they will claim that she should undergo some surgery or take better care of her looks if she still wants to stay ”on the market”.
The entire message society sends is that older women don’t have the same values as the young ones. The main issue is that society considers women and their qualities related to how much men like them. Do you see the main issue? They believe that women do everything for men. Women must be pretty for men…
Okay, that was just one example. Let’s see what else we have here. Marketing, of course. What do TV commercials related to beauty products tell you? Look younger. Stop aging. Be pretty for him. Let everyone notice you, etc,.
And then, we have countless products advertised all over the web. The story wouldn’t be complete if I don’t mention new and impossible Instagram beauty standards. It all went too far that women look like dolls. They don’t even look alive. Their skin must be perfect, their eyelashes must be very long, their breasts have to be fake, and so on. Like nothing that is natural is enough… There’s a constant pressure to be better, to look better, to be PERFECT.
If you don’t catch up with today’s standards, you won’t be valued enough no matter how successful you are.
Society is constantly sending a message to women that something is wrong with them. They should feel ashamed if they have body hair. Wow, how have we come to this point?
I am worried that younger generations will experience even more pressure about staying forever young and beautiful. When you just take a look at who are today’s idols, you will easily get depressed.
Society wants you to feel bad, so this materialistic and capitalist world can get your money. They want you to be sad about your looks, without self-confidence, and therefore – they will be able to control you in an easier manner.
YOU matter.
As a lady, how do you feel in this society?
How has society succeeded to go so far from nature?