Was Notre Dame Cathedral Fire Planned?

Can you believe how 850 years of history are now just gone? Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened. Who was even able to do something like that?
Such a beautiful and iconic architecture seems to be gone forever! Or, has it some hidden story behind it? Maybe it is actually all about making French government and EU pay it? The truth is, the Catholic church would definitely need to pay millions for renovation. Maybe there is some hidden story behind this all? What do you think?
We were actually able to see something like this happening in 1996 in Disney’s movie. Later, in 2012, there was another animated movie with the same message.
Have I reminded you now about it? It was the same with Trump. We could know how he would be the next president. They have told us that in some way!
So, what actually happened at Notre Dame Cathedral? It was set on fire at two places at the exact same time! Maybe they were making room for a mosque? You know how this all goes with the media, don’t you? They constantly tell lies to us so people drag their attention in the wrong ways. But, when you just think about it all for a moment, at some point they will just say how the Muslims are the ones responsible for this. They wanted to create a conflict between Muslims and Christians in Europe. That is what they will tell us at the end…
Just remember what happened when JFK had been killed. What happened just five minutes after his death? The Dallas police immediately claimed how that happened because of a lone nut assassin. But, the investigation hasn’t even started at that moment? How could they know?
Let me remind you of some other example. When the Austrian right-wing politician Jörg Haider had been killed by a manufactured car accident, the mainstream media had been behaving exactly the same way. They tell us what they have been told to say, but their timing seems to be slightly off.
Do you think that this world will even exist in the next 25 years? That would be actually very surprising!
The only ”good thing” about this sad story is how there was no loss of life.
Can you even believe how strange and horrible things have started to happen all around the globe?
What is next? Do you think how people got a little bit too much power to do what they want without consequences?
Someone must stop this madness, or we will all disappear very soon…