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COVID Vaccine – Will the USA get back to normal in Summer 2021?

2020 and 2021 are definitely historic years. I believe that in the next 20, 50, and even 100 years, people will still be talking about what happened with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Yet, how do we feel these days? Tired, right? We are not frightened anymore, or better said – not that frightened from the virus. People are losing their jobs, wondering if there will be a normal future for us, etc,.

And now, when the vaccination process has started, everyone is wondering what our 2021 summer will look like.

Here are the predictions for the USA…

Anthony Fauci claims that by August 2021, approximately 75% of American people will get vaccinated. If you didn’t know, that is almost the amount we need for herd immunity (80%).

And while everyone hopes that they will be able to travel, enjoy fun activities with others, and maybe go to a concert, the things are not that bright.

No one still knows what our 2021 summer will look like, but it definitely won’t be ”normal”. Many scientists and doctors believe that we will just have ”a break from coronavirus” this summer because of many vaccinated people. So, the battle with pandemic may continue in Autumn.

But let’s talk about those things that may happen. What about festivals, for example? Those who think about traveling abroad will probably have to postpone their plans for a while. But what about a concert, in your local town or area? A concert with people, will it happen?

Some predict that this summer will be reserved for vaccinated people only. No, it still won’t be an official Covid passport, but it will definitely mean something. People have started talking about parties, festivals, and concerts, where vaccinated people will be able to have fun. Does that sound real? We still don’t know, but it probably does.

Overall, it’s now obvious that coronavirus isn’t going anywhere, and that the pandemic will last for quite a while. Many countries claim that they have already bought millions of vaccines, so they have enough for the next 3 to 4 years.

The most realistic scenario would be that the governments try to find some ways to make things work, even with practicing safe measures. So, for example, instead of locking down everything, they should come up with new ways so people can continue living, while still staying safe and not harming others.

How would that look? Hairdressers, for example. You will probably have to call before you get your new haircut. A theatre – maybe some plastic glass walls would be made so people can continue enjoying their favorite movies.

Overall, the hardest is for the parties, concerts, and festivals, and those will probably only be reserved for the vaccinated population.

If you didn’t know, life expectancy in the US has shortened for one year since Covid-19 is here. No one can truly give you an answer to how things are going to be, not even in the next few months, but what I said are the latest predictions.

Remember how things were in Summer 2020? Well, it is probably how things will be this year too, with a few changes due to the ”knowledge” and the vaccines we have now.

Are you sick and tired of this ”new normal”?

Have you realized that more and more people are suffering from new mental issues?

Categories: Reader's Choice
Dragana Drobnjak: