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Biden Wants To Govern The Globe – A New World Order

I believe that everyone can see how our world is changing right underneath our eyes. The truth is that I’ve read about this timeline for decades, but didn’t think I’d be alive to see it. We are at a point now where reality is by far more surreal than fictional media. Prepare to live in a world of persecution depriving you of human rights and modernity!

The world is becoming cruel with unfair government representatives. You can easily see it everywhere. Right now, we are in Revelations – All the chess pieces are almost in place. There’s a sense of urgency in everything and sometimes I feel I’m in a different reality.

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”. (Romans 1:22) This is all predicted in the Bible – it’s going to happen and there’s nothing we can do but hold on to our faith in God.

It takes a brave person to tell Americans we’re going to create a new world order after the last one, globalization, destroyed our jobs. Actually, it destroyed literally everything, or at least – for an ordinary man. Rich are becoming richer, the poor are becoming poorer, and sick and tired of everything. That was their freedom…

Biden said that we know we are at an inflection point. Joe wants to lead the new world order. That’s interesting – I see this man on TV not being able to stay awake during a seminar. Of course, he is just a puppet – telling us what other men in power have prepared for this society. They are evil and enjoy playing with human lives and souls.

 Remember what happened back in the early 90s when the Soviet Union collapsed during Bush 41. Even then, they talked about the New World Order as an opportunity. Yet, we’ve also seen what happened in Europe, between Russia and Ukraine. No, we don’t want war because only inn

ocent people are dying, but what does America do? They have tried to militarize Ukraine to keep Russia under control. You can see Russia being surrounded by NATO. Do you see America is surrounded by the Russian military, just in case? Anyways, what is the US doing in Europe? Obviously, they want to conquer everyone with their “freedom” and “protecting people”, but we are not that blind.

It’s about humility – the American President can’t just shape the world any way he wants and part of being intelligent is kind knowing your limitations. Does Biden know his limitations or do you think he’s so arrogant that he thinks he’s just gonna create a New World Order central to that humility?

You’re not God – you are not in control, and if you try to pretend that you are what will result even with good intentions, obviously and unfortunately it will bring more suffering and more hardship for the people.

China, Russia, India, Japan, and the others comprise his position in this great landmass that comprises 70% of the world’s population in productivity. They are going to emerge as the new centers of global power on the planet.

Here’s some such dominant power on the massive curation landmass that they can prevail but they can not only dominate the landmass – they can dominate international politics. They are pursuing political editing to break US control over the original animals and thereby break US global power. They think that they are witnessing the birth of the historic Earth of a New World Order. There, the Great Global Edgemont of the United States is going to be dominated by the rest of the world’s powers. 

China thinks about aligning with Russia and moving closer together. Yes, that may be a great concern to us as we have expressed and we are not the only country that has expressed concerns. Many other members of the G7 have expressed exactly that concern over the Eurasian continent; their belt and road initiative is a triangular development program.

Now, it incorporates around 70 nations. Africa is laid down into structures, pipelines, railroads, and roads across the whole Eurasian lands.

We are giving up our freedom to make moral choices…

“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be afraid of Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.

What’s your opinion about this topic?

Have you realized that reality feels and seems a bit different?

Joshua Domond:
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