11 Good Reasons Not to Join Facebook Dating Site

When it comes to the Internet and sharing our personal information, I would like to tell you one of the most important things first before we even start – you must be very careful with whom you share your personal information and which platform you use for that purpose! No one wants to lose their private information or to get tricked in any way, therefore, you must learn about how different platforms work and how can that affect you as a user.
Here, I want to talk about Facebook Dating Site and why it may not be a good idea to join it. Check out some of the main reasons below:
They collect ALL your information. Facebook literally saves everything. And the worst part about that is how it shares all of it with the government. Doesn’t sound like fun to me…
Selling your personal information. What can be worse than this? I believe how just thinking about that makes you anxious. This fact is completely clear by itself I wouldn’t even add anything else about it.
Professional advice. Did you know that even TechCrunch advises people not to join Facebook Dating Site? Why? Because they don’t trust them. They are worried about your sensitive data. And when you connect this fact with the previous ones above, you’ll get the whole picture.
All those adds. We all know that Facebook is one of the biggest platforms people use for business. When it comes to its dating site, be sure how it will just be another ad-targeting business idea.
They are using dating site with another purpose. The truth is how Facebook has countless issues it should think about before even creating dating site. But, that’s a great excuse for taking away the focus from the real problems. Security? What’s that?
Do you even know who you will date? Like really, think about this for a moment. Facebook Dating Site? Because you cannot trust it, how can you know with whom you are talking to?
All those filters… As said in the previous fact, Facebook is one tricky platform. It really is. People represent themselves in a way they want. You may easily fall in a trap. Facebook really won’t mind if that happens.
There are other dating sites you can actually trust. They definitely exist. Dating sites that take care about its users and their privacy and security will really help you find your true love as well.
It was said earlier that Facebook will disappear soon.
What is your personal opinion about that?
Are they making this dating site because they are afraid their platform is actually dying?