Kent Hovind

Beautiful People Of The Month – February


Evangelist, Christian Theme Park Operator 

Name – Kent Hovind
Country – USA
Title/Occupation – Evangelist, Christian theme park operator
Nationality – American
Age – 67


Who is Kent Hovind?

American Christian Fundamentalist

Kent Hovind was born on 15th January 1953. He is an American Christian fundamentalist, evangelist, and tax protester. Kent Hovind, an American young-earth creationist, is considered by many to be one of the foremost authorities on science and the Bible. The fantastic ability of Kent Hovind to communicate complicated scientific concepts in an easy-to-understand format makes this essential information accessible for youth and laypersons, as well as science professors. The goal of his creation seminars is to convince listeners to reject theories of evolution, geophysics, and cosmology in favor of the Genesis creation narrative from the Bible.

In 1989, Hovind started Creation Science Evangelism. In 1998, he created his Dr. Dino web site and began producing articles and selling videotapes, books, and fossil replicas. Hovind had numerous speaking engagements at churches, private schools, and other venues each year, in addition to hosting a daily internet radio talk show.

After being falsely accused, his ministry being stripped away, and incarcerated for nine years, renowned Creation Science author and speaker, Dr. Kent Hovind, kept fighting for his thoughts. His “Heroes Journey” is inspirational, and his insight into fighting the good fight of faith puts everything into its proper perspective. Having a website called “Dr. Dino” has provoked some academics to look closely at how Hovind presents his education and credentials.

Evolution is Religion, Not Science Says Dr. Hovind

Do evolutionists “know” the earth is billions of years old, or do they “believe” that it is? Dr. Kent Hovind, the author of the “Creation Seminar Video Series,” says that there are no scientific facts that prove that the earth is that old. Thus this “belief” in an extremely old earth is part of the religion of evolution and has nothing to do with science. So, when was “the beginning?” Hovind lists over a dozen scientific facts that all point to a young earth. Hovind’s theory is that God created the earth about six thousand years ago.

The Dinosaur Adventure Land 

In 2001 Hovind started Dinosaur Adventure Land, a young-Earth creationist theme park located behind Hovind’s home in Florida. The land is spread on roughly seven acres. The outdoor space has a variety of simple dinosaur-themed rides and activities, each of which was tied to some religious message. For example, the “Jumpasaurus” was a trampoline next to a basketball hoop; children would have one minute to make as many baskets as they could, and the message was that you have to be coordinated to do more for Jesus. The park depicted humans and dinosaurs coexisting in the last 4,000–6,000 years. In April 2016, Hovind discussed plans for a new Dinosaur Adventure Land, which included an 80-foot-tall model dinosaur that would be the largest in the state.

The Hovind Theory

Having presented a version of young-Earth creationism, he calls the “Hovind Theory” in lectures and the book Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution. In Hovind’s theory, dinosaurs and humans coexisted, and Tyrannosaurus rex was a vegetarian prior to the fall of man.

Check out some facts listed by Kent Hovind

Population: The rate of population growth has been steady for the time that we have records. The present six billion is the right number of people to have multiplied from the eight survivors of the universal flood about 4400 years ago. If man had been around for millions of years, the same growth rate would have produced 150,000 people per square inch of the land surface.

The Moon: Space dust accumulates on the surface of the moon at the rate of about one inch for every ten thousand years. Astronauts found an average of one-half inch, just about what you would expect in six thousand years. Also, the moon is very slowly moving away from the earth. If it were millions of years old, it would have had to start very close to the planet, causing ocean tides so severe it would have drowned everything on land twice a day.

The Planets: The planets are losing heat. If they had been formed millions of years ago, they would have no internal heat left given the present rate of heat loss. If a hot cup of coffee were left standing for 400 years, it would have no internal heat left.

Maybe the purpose of the space program (NASA) is to prepare the world for Big Brother – the New World Order. – Kent Hovind

Author – Rachna Mesvaniya