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Tips for Moving Back Home with Your Parents

Tips for Moving Back Home with Your Parents

Tips for Moving Back Home with Your ParentsTips for Moving Back Home with Your Parents

Economic instability has been a struggle for many in the wake of COVID-19 shutdowns and layoffs. As a result, more millennials have made their way back home to live with their parents due to the pandemic’s financial repercussions. If you’re one of the millennials making a move, here are some tips for moving back home with your parents.

Be Grateful

After living on your own, moving back home can feel a little deflating. With the world’s current state and losing some of your freedom, staying positive can be challenging. Although if you’re moving home, it’s important to remember how fortunate you are to have a place to go in such uncertain times.

Spend some quality time with your folks to show how much you appreciate their gratitude. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to slow our lives down. Use this extra time as an opportunity to grow your relationship with your parents.

Be a Good Roommate

Moving back home doesn’t mean you get to be a kid again with no responsibility. Treat your living situation like moving in with new roommates. Help when your parents ask and manage your cleaning and chores without them asking. Try to respect their space and time as you would when living with a friend.

Keep Your Routine

Making the move back home doesn’t have to disrupt your life. Keep the routine you would have while living on your own, like having weekly Zoom calls with friends, working out, and any other hobbies that make you happy. Continuing with your usual routine will make for a more seamless transition.

Have a Plan and Share It

Moving home can be a complicated process. It can sometimes take days or weeks to get fully settled, especially if you’re moving out of state. Keep your parents up to date about your move-in plans. While your move-out plans may not be set in stone, always let your parents know of any changes along the way.

Be Patient

Adjusting to living with your parents will take time. You might not have as much time to yourself, and they’re likely going to want to know when you’re going out, who you’re texting, and what you had for lunch that day. Be patient with your parents and remember they’re only asking because they care.

Becoming roommates with your parents may seem like a mortifying idea to many, but with these tips for moving back home with your parents, it doesn’t have to be so bad.

Categories: Parenting
Kayla Kareena: