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Things That Will Make Winter More Bearable

Things That Will Make Winter More BearableThings That Will Make Winter More Bearable

Many people love winter for snow and outdoor sports. Others find winter interminable, and they can’t wait for spring. The winter of 2020-2021 poses special challenges. After nine months of social distancing, the prospect of another six months apart from others, staying indoors, and working from home might have you crawling the walls. Here are some suggestions for things that will make winter more bearable.

Stay Dry and Warm

Many New Englanders are justifiably proud of their winter hardiness. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer to show you’re tough. Invest in new, warm waterproof boots, gloves, and a good winter parka.

Don’t forget that the technology for layering has advanced significantly over the years. A good first layer that wicks moisture while keeping you warm is worth every penny. Winter is much more fun when you’re warm and dry.

Take a Walk

Working from home is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you’re grateful for the social distance during ongoing pandemic surges, but the isolation can grind you down. Couple that with the extra hours of winter darkness, and cabin fever sets in fast.

Make use of your breaks and lunch hour to get outside—even if it’s just for a ten minute, socially-distanced walk around the block. Fresh air and natural surroundings are good for you, and the beauty of a sunny, snowy day will refresh your mind and body. Plus, it’s a great excuse to use all that quality winter wear you just bought.

Hot Lunch

Salads and sandwiches just don’t have the same appeal when it’s cold outside. Opt for hearty soups and stews for lunch that will warm you from the inside out. They can give you the boost you need to power through the rest of your day in front of the laptop.

Up Your Home’s Cozy Quotient

Dig out the throw blankets, make sure the woodpile is stacked outside the front door, and gather some candles to make your home feel cozier. On weekend evenings, make staying in a pleasure with a fire in the fireplace or candles on a tray. Add a cup of hot tea and a good book, and you’ve got a perfect winter evening at home.

Friendly Competition

Your home is your COVID pod, so why not have some fun with your companions? If you missed the run on board games and jigsaw puzzles, maybe it’s time to go big with indoor recreation for your family. Along with fun tabletop games, consider investing in a ping pong or pool table. For example, there are many benefits to owning a billiards table, and it’s a great activity the whole family will enjoy.

Games you play while you’re up on your feet, rather than plopped on the couch with a video game controller in your hand, will get your blood moving and boost your mood.

Remember that the days are already getting longer, and spring will come again. In the meantime, try activities and healthy comfort foods you enjoy to make winter more bearable.

Categories: Lifestyle
Kayla Kareena:
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