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The idea of beauty is always shifting. Today, it’s more…

Today’s idea of beauty is definitely more inclusive! Finally, I think we can say something positive about how the Internet has affected our society.

People from different parts of the globe are now able to see various cultures, learn about different beliefs and create a new angle that will help them understand others better.

When you think about the recent past and how beauty was represented to us, you’ll easily realize that a lot of things have changed ( and luckily, for the better!).

Remember what the world looked like in the ’80s, ’90s and even though the new millennium? What was defined as attractive? What were we seeing on the TV and in magazines?

Skinny models only of course. Blondes were the most attractive ladies in the world. They had to look a certain way – the beauty industry preferred blue eyes and white skin and literally, 80% of commercials were filled with such models.

Tall people, those with muscles, elegant and with long healthy hair. Finally, we can celebrate different views on beauty collectively1

I truly believe that the Internet has made this revolution. I can finally say something good about it and I’m happy because of that.

Today, we celebrate everyone! The fuller figure shape, shortness, freckled and wrinkled skin, ebony, short hair, bald, tattooed; ”imperfect” one could even say.

All social media channels are full of different people that want to be heard and seen – finally, everyone can be seen – we want to meet them and see their special beauty!

I also believe that these new generations are different to the previous ones. They are no longer tied to their nationalities and cultures only but they see themselves as cosmopolitans – the people of this planet and our entire society.

When you take a look at how commercials today, you definitely can be proud of what we have achieved so far. We want to see real people today! We are sick and tired of ”Barbie Dolls’!

For example, I saw a commercial yesterday with a black, beautiful lady and she had stunning freckles all over her face. Her hair is just magnificent; it’s all curly! She was advertising a shampoo.

What else I like about current beauty standards is that they want to see your uniqueness – there are no standards to follow to be considered beautiful.

”It’s all in the eye of the beholder”. Do you agree?

We have become more accepting of other people as they are. Scars are no longer ugly   because they represent the journey that someone had gone through and experienced.

Wrinkles and white hair? They are stunning, wise and charming.

Another good thing is that we also don’t look at people partially – we accept them entirely. We won’t say: ‘This man has great arms.” We will rather say: ”This man is charming and he looks like he’s a protector!”

Do you see the difference? We are finally evolving into more soul-oriented individuals where the focus is one’s personality rather than on physical appearance alone (and that makes me truly happy).

Besides that, this way we can also eliminate hatred, racism and gender equality issues.

Let’s celebrate life together! We are all part of this amazing tribe! Let’s continue working on trend setting ideas and create a truly democratic world!

Have you realized that beauty standards have changed?

What do you consider beautiful?

Categories: topslider
Dragana Drobnjak:
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