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Is Music Pre-Wired for the Human Brain?

Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain when you listen to music? What lies behind every note and rhythm we hear? What are the forces behind music?

The Power of Music and the Battle for the Mind

There’s a force at war with us, human beings. This power of darkness seeks to capture and enslave our thoughts. The one behind this power is none other than the Devil himself, and he is subtly using music to achieve his goals.

BPM: The Dark Side of Music

Many artists have been inspired by darkness. Among them are Jimmi Hendrix, Little Richard, Tori Amos, and Led Zeppelin. They use their music to seduce the young and vulnerable, exploiting their fears and brokenness. Some bands, like AC/DC—whose name has been interpreted as standing for “Anti-Christ, Devil’s Children”—mask themselves in the light but use their music to bring darkness. People must be cautious about the music they listen to.

The Bible teaches that music has a profound effect on the soul. In 1 Samuel 16:20-23, David’s music cured King Saul’s restlessness. Music has power, but it all depends on the type you’re listening to.

Beyond Religion: The True Battle

Religion alone cannot cure this madness because many religions are tools of manipulation. People are easily led into believing in an external conflict between light and darkness. But this is a false light. The true light comes from within, through the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

The gift of free will is the light we talk about. It guides us to make the right choices, not from outside conflict but from within. The enemy uses deception as a tool to enslave humanity, and some institutions, like the Catholic Church, have been used as tools for this deception, spreading darkness subtly.

The Most Powerful Tool: Music

Music is the devil’s most powerful tool. It captures hearts through the ears and can enslave us if we are not vigilant. The devil targets the youth with appealing music because they are vulnerable and easy to manipulate.

The Expert’s Perspective:

“Music isn’t just a form of entertainment; it’s a tool that can influence emotions and thoughts deeply. When used with ill intent, it can steer individuals away from truth and light, leading them down a path of darkness and deception.”
Beautiful People Magazine

The Invisible Battle

Satan’s strategy includes making people believe he doesn’t exist. This lie keeps people unaware of his influence. But our fight is not against flesh and blood; it is a spiritual battle against the powers of this dark world (Ephesians 6:12). Until we recognize who we are up against, we will never be free from deception.

Are You Awake?

Have you been deceived by the enemy? Has your understanding been opened?


This battle is not against any person or group of people in this world, nor is it with any religion. Our fight is in the spirit. And until we see that, we will never see who we are up against. And if we do not see who we are up against, we will never be free from deception.

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