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God must be first in our lives, his not honor when we put him last!

Yes! Our elegance must be God first. He is the only one we can trust with our whole heart and mind. GOD must be FIRST, there is not a greater time than now to trust him. If you are feeling completely alone, and if you think there’s no one you can turn to, know that not all is still lost…

Don’t let the opinions of others define you. Be who God created you to be. It’s easy to lose the path of the true self in these times, but don’t be that weak. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that the world that surrounds us is just a bunch of lies and illusions.

These days most of us get tormented by people who say they don’t believe in God. I have come across many, probably you too. But I thank GOD that you have been there for me and I’m extremely grateful for that. Thank you, God, for bringing us closer to you. In these hard times, I am completely sure that you give us what we must live through. You send us messages. You know what we can or cannot endure. Thank you for everything, you’ve done and continue to do for us in our life.

God said, I’m God and beside me, there is no other. We must place Him absolutely first in our life. Yes, put GOD first even in the time of trouble, sadness, and challenges because in the end you will pass all this and be successful. Unfortunately, people only remind themselves that He exists in times of need. Once they find themselves in trouble, many start to pray. Later, they may even tell you that God didn’t help them when they needed Him the most.

swBut what actually happened? He put them in the mission that had to go through, probably… And people expect not to appreciate god for their entire lives, but to be spared when something bad happens.

Unfortunately, a lot of people today act like they deserve just good while doing bad things. They call God for help only when they are weak and have no other choice to succeed or even survive.

Your Week Will Go Better When You Put God First. Your Week Will Flow! Put God First, If you put God first, everything will fall into its places – No one can and should take GOD’s place in our hearts. Remember these words very well… Let those always guide you to light.

Instead of asking God to help us only in hard times, we should say: ”The place in our heart belongs to you & will always belong to you. We are sorry for keeping you aside for some days. Please restore the relationship that was broken between us. We just realized that no one can satisfy our empty soul except you. We’ve been thinking about why we feel so lonely. We’ve been feeling so broken for so many centuries. Now we know it was because there was a hole in our heart and only you can fill that void in us.”

And then the person should continue with: ”Come in my life again and take up the place in me which always belonged to you. No one can love us as you do. Help us GOD to choose YOU every day and strengthens us to put YOU first in my existence.”

Can you feel these words emotionally? They say everything. You can have all the material things in this world and still feel miserable, unfulfilled, and lonely. Why? Read again the sentences above and you will understand the whole point of the existence.

When you start your day saying: ”Father, you are beyond my human understanding, I give to you my life so that I may live it in the way you choose me to.” This way, you let go of all fear & anxiety. There is nothing greater on this earth than the love of God. Literally, NOTHING.

What can you do in these hard times? Worried about your future? What about your own life and family? Trust in God with all your heart and know everything will be okay. He deserves first place in every situation of our life. Only then, you can expect good things to happen later in life. Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night. Always be prepared. It’s easy to achieve that with Him.

Don’t ever forget that God gives his hardest battles to His strongest soldiers. You need to get back to God soon as possible, you need him first in your life! When you think you cannot endure something, remember that you are the strongest soldier.

wrfYes, you can endure everything given to you! He believes in you, so you should rely on him!



Say these words and find your deserved peace: ”Father, please bless me. Protect me from the evils of this Earth. I am being attacked by the devil from all angles. Cover me under your blood Lord  We are all in this together.”

”Put God first, in everything you do. When you get it, reach back; pull someone else up. Each one, teach one. Don’t just aspire to make a living. Aspire to make a difference.” – Denzel Washington …

Do you feel that something big and bad will happen in these upcoming times?

Where your faith lays?

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