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Angela Merkel: The Destroyer of Europe is Very Sick!

We did a survey recently and found that the world has no compassion here for the destroyer of Germany, who also has much to do with the destruction of Western Europe. The German leader Merkel, who turns 65 next month, began to tremble while on stage at the event.

What is wrong with the German leader Angela Merkel?

Is there a reason for her shaking?

Footage from Thursday morning shows Merkel’s legs shaking as she stands through a swearing-in ceremony in Berlin for the country’s new justice minister, Christine Lambrecht. Merkel can be seen clutching her arms in an attempt to control herself while glancing uncomfortably to her side. An aide then offers her a glass of water which she turns down. According to journalists present at the occasion, the 64-year-old quickly regained her composure after the ceremony was over. She then set off a few hours later to Japan for the annual summit of the Group of 20 global powers.

Well, this is not the first time.

A previous bout of shaking last Tuesday was blamed on dehydration on a hot summer’s day. At that time the chancellor had appeared unsteady and shook as she stood in the midday sun next to visiting Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, whom she was welcoming to her office building with military honours. Zelensky, 41, made light of Merkel’s uneasy spell, joking that he would have come to her rescue if necessary. He said: ‘She was standing next to me and completely safe.’

Several newspapers have reported that during a 2017 summer visit to Mexico she began to shake on a particularly humid day. In 2014, she postponed a TV interview at the last minute due to feeling weak. Her spokesperson said she was able to carry out the appearance after having eaten and drank something.

Doctors who watched the video said it looked worse than it was. Several experts dismissed concerns that a more serious illness such as Parkinson’s disease could be the cause, saying that temperatures of over 30 Celsius had likely caused her to become dehydrated. Merkel also put her convulsions down to dehydration, saying that she had drunk too much coffee and too little water before the occasion.

What causes tremor or shaking hands?

According to the NHS website: “A tremor is when you’re not able to control shaking or trembling in part of your body.” Although, it’s quite normal to have a slight tremor, such as when you hold your hands or arms out in front of you, they won’t be completely still. Some medicines and conditions can also cause tremor. We are not sure what is wrong with Merkel but there is something for sure.

Asked about Angela Merkel’s latest shaking episode, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer told reporters: “I won’t comment on this. I have never taken part in remote diagnoses because for years I was too often the subject of remote diagnosis.”

Nobody can hold the spirit of the Anti-Christ for long periods. This is what selling your soul to Satan looks like. We don’t like to see anyone suffering. However, she is the epitome of evil left-wing globalist.

Asked by a reporter about her wellbeing at a news conference about 90 minutes after the first public spell, Merkel smiled: “I’ve drunk at least three glasses of water, and so I’m doing fine.” On Thursday, a German government spokesman said Merkel would not cancel any appointments in the next two days. “The chancellor is well,” he said.

Merkel came to power in 2005, when George W Bush was president and Tony Blair was UK prime minister. In October she announced that she would step down as Germany’s head of government when her fourth term ran out in 2021.

Merkel’s office wouldn’t comment on the cause or otherwise elaborate. It is not publicly known if Merkel, who has led Germany since 2005, has any health problems as German privacy laws are very strict on that type of information.

Are these similar symptoms displayed by Hillary Clinton? It looks like though. Maybe they engaged in the same ritual cannibalism, or it could be MK-ultra drone-like other puppet politicians.

This reminds us of Hitler on his last days. Well, she is far worse than any Dictator Europe has had. Earlier a will know British political magazine has branded German Chancellor Angela Merkel “Europe’s most dangerous leader” and compared her to Adolf Hitler. She basically has finished what Hitler started. She has brought so much suffering to her kind. She knows what’s coming for her. The damage is so awful that it can never indeed be undone. The damage that will negatively impact on the lives of real Germans for generations to come.

Do you think she’s the most hated woman in history? Talk to us in the comment box!

Categories: Headline
Joshua Domond: