Clare Garvies is a well-known warrior for human rights trying everything in her power to make some positive changes in our modern society which is completely connected with technology in numerous segments. She is a senior associate with @GeorgetownCPT and constantly works on face recognition technology which will define our future in so many ways. One of her main fucoses is definitely a violation of privacy. And you must agree how we should all think and talk about that a little bit more, right? Garvie is one of the strongest women we have nowadays, and our mission is to represent her to as many people as possible.

Clare is constantly doing everything in her power to open the eyes of so many people all around the globe. Her ideas are marvelous and she really can have a huge impact on our lives. Being a brave and independent woman in nowadays society may sound like a challenge, but not for this kind-hearted and talented lady. We all know what facial recognition may bring to our society. Numerous people still think about how it will be only made and implemented to make our lives better and safer, but is that really the whole truth? According to Clare Garvie, we should learn how to use facial recognition properly with a purpose to save and protect our privacy.

For example, new facial recognition is able to let you unlock your mobile phone, access your bank account, or help law enforcement catch people they are searching for. Is that it or is there something else about facial recognition? You know how they always say – why would anyone have anything against it if they are not hiding something? That definitely sounds like a cliche which is made with a purpose to force people to accept the newest technologies and everything those bring with themselves.

According to Garvie and her Georgetown study made in 2016, facial recognition is still not that safe and accurate and it must improve with a purpose to be used in our lives. Besides that, the laws about it are still not yet clear. This lady believes how new facial recognition may be violating so many privacy rights. We need to say how we completely agree with her! Garvie also added in her study how facial recognition was later used in an aggressive manner and numerous people didn’t even know how their faces were scanned. According to her, and we don’t have any reason not to believe her, because she is a warrior of light, everyone should know how, when and for what purposes has facial recognition been used on them.

Numerous activists all around the globe have finally realized how they may have ”a leader” which will be able to help them protest against new and aggressive facial recognition technologies. We definitely believe how Clare Garvie is the right person to help us all create new privacy laws when it comes to letting our countries use the latest technological achievements on us and our children.

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”