We are all witnesses of the changes in our modern society. It seems like how the changes are bigger and bigger with months and years, and it also feels like how those are happening faster and faster. Unfortunately, there are numerous young people in our society who are facing the most frightening times of their lives. There are many reasons for that, but such reasons mostly come from ‘people in power’. Here, I want to talk about Sara Mora and her bravery against Donald Trump, the president of the US. So, who is this young lady in the first place? Sara is an activist who has realized the real problem with Trump’s administration which terminated the DACA program. Sara is a representer for all young people who are beneficiaries of the DREAM act.

If you have thought about how this brave and amazing lady is fighting for immigrants lives just online, we will need to make you reassess your beliefs. Mora has met with New Jersey Senators (Bob Menendez and Cory Booker) with a purpose to lead the pledge of allegiance. Senators of New Jersey has made her become the leader of it and soon everyone was able to see Sara at the inauguration of Governor Phil Murphy. Mora claims how young people like her are experiencing huge problems in their everyday lives since the new president makes strange rules in their country.

Sara believes how some groups of people don’t have the same rights as others. Therefore, her core mission is to change that. She believes how people can change a lot of things if they unite together. Sara is doing everything in her power to ‘wake up’ young people about the problems in our society. Mora claims how people have really forgotten their rights and how they are completely exhausted to make some changes for better.

Yet, that is exactly why she thinks everyone needs ‘a good leader’. She believes how every group of people that doesn’t have the same rights as others needs someone who can help them achieve the opposite.

This all isn’t just happening in New Jersey but on a national level. Everyone was able to see Sara Mora leading some of the most important debates related to the DREAM Act.

Mora also created numerous strong speeches and has led marches with a purpose to show the country how there is still some energy left that wants to fight for the light.

We all know how immigrants don’t have the same rights as others do. Sara claims how the stories about immigrants they come up with related to some of their hidden evil actions and plans are just there to make people blind. She also added how country obviously doesn’t want to help anyone or spend money because they look at those people as someone who can only do harm to that country.

Imagine how people who are running away from war feel like. They don’t want to leave their homes and their country. Yet, they have to. Now imagine those people thinking about how they have finally found a shelter, yet, they again have no rights.

“My message to other Americans is that we have made America our home not by taking from it but by building with it and dreaming in this beautiful nation that became part of all of the dreamers identities.”